Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentines Day

We went to NY this weekend to snowmobile, this is Teri and myself standing on the lake

This is a big ditch we all drove over going about 30 MPH, not what you should do......

Because when I hit it, I crashed my head on the windshield and broke it.... ouch, a piece of plastic went up under my helmet and jabbed me in the cheek. I could have poked my eye out!!

My nephew saw what I did and slammed on the brakes, almost didn't make it!

But all is well, no one really got hurt.


Cheryl said...

Holy cow!! How's your cheek? I wondered where you were this weekend.

Hey...enough of this cold weather already eh?!!! Thirties all this week, lows in the twenties...Feh!!!

I saw your mom yesterday, she looked great, and what an adventure she's going on!

Kristen said...

Oh it's cheeky! Nothing bad, it was pretty red on Sat but it's not that bad. I am lucky I didn't break my teeth or poke my eye, that was my first ever snowmobile accident and I don't want another, it wasn't anything major but now I will be a bit more cautious

Yes my mom said she was heading out, I hope she has a good time. Where did you see her?
30!! That isn't very warm is it?

Cheryl said...

She (your mom) was at the pancake breakfast.

The worse accident I ever had on a snowmobile I ended up hitting a small tree so hard I knocked it over. Did a real good job bashing the hood up on the sled, but I didn't get hurt. I rolled it a couple of times too, oh what fun! :)

I bet if I rode like that now I'd end up in the hospital...I don't bounce like I did when I was young.

Madeleine said...

Ooh, glad you weren't hurt.
You are always at NY, lucky! Is it close enough for you to drive or to you just fly?

Kristen said...

Hi Madeleine,
We drive there, it takes 3 hours.
How is school or are you on vacation this week?

Cheryl said...

They found the missing guy, but I can't find details yet. Maybe on the 10:00 news?

I saw that car parked there, but didn't think anything of it, people are always parking along side the roads over here.

Biddie said...

Whoa - glad that you weren't seriously hurt - looks like the snowmobile got the worst of it.

Madeleine said...

You're lucky it's driving distance.
Oh, school is good! Something amazing happened today...check my blog for details if you want. ;)

Denise Rosier said...

Hi Kris!

I got your message. I've been MIA in blogdom for a little while. Nothing big - just general busyness ..

Thank goodness you weren't seriously injured on the snowmobile!! The view of the windshield makes it look pretty bad.

It looks like the weather was beautiful. A three hour drive makes for a nice getaway. Its manageable, and you can feel like you took a little vacation.

Cheryl said...

Good morning :)

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