Whoops! You're out of space. Purchase more storage.
Photos are stored in your Picasa Web Albums account and are included in your 1 GB free quota for photos. Additional storage you purchase is shared between Gmail, Picasa Web Albums, and Google Docs, and is in addition to your free quota. Learn more
I was adding pictures this morning, and I had about 8 done, was moving on to the last one and I get this message. Sorry but I am not purchasing more space on my FREE blog!
See the comments to my July 18th post on Winged Words. I believe the extra space is not too expensive.
That's a bummer! I wonder why I still have storage? I haven't paid for anything. Maybe because I size my pics a bit smaller?
I like seeing your pictures so I hope you change your mind.
I went to Picasa and checked my stats
"You are currently using 497 MB (48.63%) of your 1024 MB"
Did you have a smaller amount of storage MB's? I was thinking maybe they changed the amount at some point.
I don't want you to stop posting pics!! What if I buy you more storage for your Christmas present?
Ok, I just demonstrated my math stupidity ~ is 1 GB less than 1024 MB??
Nope, they are equal essentially. It must be the difference in picture sizes.
I'm just complaining, I thought blogger was free. I tried uploading from work,would I have gotten the same message from home? I didn't think I would have more stuff than Cheryl, do you buy a service? Thanks Priscilla, I guess I hadn't paid attention to that post when you put it up. I clicked on the more info thing and it's fairly cheap to buy more space, I will do it but not happy about it!!!
Oh my gosh, Kristen - that is a BIG bummer!!! But on the other hand, having used up the free allotment of 1 GB (1 gigabyte = about 1000 megabytes) is absolutely amazing. I've been loading pictures to my website and to my blog since 1995 and I'm still only at 580 MB.
If you want to avoid purchasing more space (the cost isn't much) you can take the time to do the following - it's sort of a maintenance drill but it will earn you a lot of space.
Go through your stored pictures on Picasa and one-by-one reduce their size to about the size that you normally see them actually displayed in your posts - usually about 450 bytes wide - the height will be in proportion. After you down-size them, reload them back to the post.
I know this takes a lot of time but it will free up space in your allotment.
I can check for you what the optimum size is for your blog if you like .... Just try 1 to see how it works. Do you have a graphics editor that you can use to down-size your pictures?
I don't want to see you have to stop uploading pictures for your blog - they are great to see!!
I just checked the dimensions of a couple of your pictures.
The controlling width is about 400 bytes wide.
The rug is 400 bytes wide x 300 bytes high.
The woodpecker is 400 x 270.
The original picture of the rug is 1600 x 1200 - an enormous difference between the original picture and what will be displayed.
It takes a few minutes to down-size a picture before you write a new post and upload the picture - a nuisance but worth the effort.
Hope this helps .....
And, yes, you will get the same message at your home PC - or your mobile cell phone if you upload to blogger from it.
I logged into Picasa, it says I Have 8 albums and I have 3202 pictures and I have used 99.99 of my space of 1024 MB, it says I can get 20gb for $5 a year. which is 10,000 photo's with a 5MP camera. I don't have time to go through all my pictures and change the size. I don't know how to delete pictures either.
I'm starting a new blog. I'll put up the link
I'm starting a new blog. I'll put up the link
Is it my camera setting?
There may be a "gotchya" in starting a new blog. If you use the same account info (i.e., your email address and password), the photos will be directed to the same Picasa account which is full.
I'm not familiar with all the details but you might have to setup both a new blog AND a new Picasa account under a different email address, etc.
At this point, I would recommend just paying the $5 per year for the 10 GB - that's an enormous amount of space - 1000 times what you have now.
About the camera setting - most modern cameras have settings where you can change the pixel count or size of your pictures that it takes. Check your users manual for that kind of setting in the users manual and/or the camera's menu. Take a setting that's much smaller than the one that it is currently set for - 1600 x 1200 pixels is huge - much more than you need for good pictures for the blog. My camera is set for 640 x 480 - the smallest setting. Only professional photographers need the higher resolutions.
Since you don't seem to want to take the time to down-size each new picture by hand before you make a new post, look for a smaller setting in your camera to help give you more leeway in the Picasa albums.
Sorry about all the unexpected hassle - if you do start a new blog, remember that you can put a link back to this one so it won't be lost.
I Made a new blog at lunch time, I have another email address for Ray that I use for his Facebook so I didn't have use mine. I may keep that one as a Hartland thing and probably break down and pay the $5 for more room on my kitty blog. I am having a terrible day today at work and this just aggravated it more. Sorry I am just plain bitchy now. I'll get over myself and be happy to be alive now, :)
((grin)) glad that you found a set of solutions there!! And glad to see that you are getting it back together again - that was a frustrating ringer that was thrown at ya .....
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