Saturday, May 26, 2007

Two out of three ain't bad

I just couldn't resist, he poses so nice for me, if I could just keep him of my newly stained deck
This is how we ended up getting the bike home last night since she decided to quit on us in Granby at 8:15pm

And I got 1/2 the deck stained. Went to motorcross this morning, I think I am heading back up because his second race should be about three.
So the other thing I wanted to do today was ride my motorcycle... didn't get to it.

The last thing is the crabs and snails, they are coming at 6:00pm and maybe some other creatures... who knows


Biddie said...

Good Grief, girl, slow down .... you make me tired just reading about your day .... Actually, I wish I had half your drive .....

Kristen said...

If you think I am busy, you should try and follow Ray around, he is 14 years older than me and I can't keep up with him

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