My friend Charlie made me these birdhouses last year and told me I had to clean them out so new birdies can move in this year. I was hoping to see some opened eggs but there were not any
Harley supervised my work. He was out Sat night all night and didn't come home Sunday. I was very worried about him because as you can tell , he likes to eat. At about 3 pm I went out searching in the rain for him. I was over at my mom's house and she came out to say hi and wondered what I was doing, so we both called , guess what....... Here Kitty Kitty, so now you know why that is the name of my blog!! My mom and grandma always called for the kitties like that and I do too, egast am I turning into my Mom???? So any how, there was Harley on the stairs to her barn, not budging, something must have scared the dickens out of him, he was soaked and hungry but not hurt, so we walked home and he stayed next to me ALL night.