This is the back side of the house.. I forgot to take the front but I think I have posted front pictures before. We moved the fire pit which was way down in the yard and we never used it. Now we use it all the time because it's so close to the house
this is the back yard, it goes back to that shed
This is the upstairs hallway
The tiny bedroom closest to the road
Bedroom #2, next to the tiny one
Bedroom #3
Bedroom #4, this is our room
The upstairs bath, right next to our room
Bedroom #5 at the top of the stairs
Downstairs bath and laundry room
Kitchen, coming in from the road side
Kitchen , from coming in the garage way
Dining room off kitchen, we don't dine here so we made it a pellet stove room with a second TV
Living room, excuse the mess, we were packing to leave when I decided to do the tour pictures and everything hadn't been picked up yet
Staircase from the road side, the kitchen is beyond there on the left side
The famous porch! We sit out here hours and hours and the road is a step off, we get a lot of visitors and beeps!
Here you can see the porch and how close the road is
What a great house with everything fresh and new inside! Hope you don't have too much housework to do on your vacation. Thatnks for the tour.
Thanks P! I don't do a whole lot of cleaning there, it isn't the Hilton but it does the trick, we use it a lot in winter for snowmobiling and summer for boating, the beach is about 1/2 mile away, it's right smack in the middle of the town on a really busy road but it's so fun to go there. it was kinda gross when we got it, slowly we are trying to fix it up
Looks really nice, you have such a great eye for decorating!
Old houses have such a sense of space about them - high ceilings, extra bedrooms, large yards! You are so fortunate to have this 2nd home in such a great area for your sports interests!!!
You all are fixing it up really well - it looks great! How long have you all had it now?
THanks! I think we have had it 7 years.. We paid less than you can buy a brand new truck for it too. Prices have gone crazy since then so we were pretty lucky to get it. We pick away at it, but having 2 houses can get expensive. So far we put in windows, carpets, vinyl floors, OH biddie, the floors in the kitchen and hall are the vinyl I was telling you about, can you see it?
All it needs now is a cat.
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