Ray and I were talking this morning getting ready for work and he said happy Tuesday Monday, after a long weekend and having Monday off, Tuesday becomes our Monday. It was a beautiful weekend, the weather every day was just fabulous. We met some of our friends Friday after work for some drinks and dinner.
Saturday I took a photography lesson with Cheryl and learned a lot that I didn't know about my camera and of course we had a lot of fun together.
I went for a motorcycle ride in the afternoon with the same friends we were with Friday night though Litchfield County and it was beautiful except for the pollen in the air.
Sunday I weeded my gardens, what a chore that was!! I feel better now that I got most of that done. I also had a lot of fun watching my new birds in the house, Tree Swallows. I have pictures but I'll tell you why they are not on here in a minute. I also went for a short motorcycle ride with Teri to watch her eat lunch, I had already eaten, she took me away from the gardens which was a welcome sidetrack since it was pretty hot outside.
Monday was the usual Memorial day, went to out two minute parade, took another motorcycle ride and went to a few picnics.
So the reason for no pictures..... I can't upload any from work because my browser is no longer supported by blogger. At home, my Ipad will not allow me to upload any either and I have not tried my Imac book pro yet but I will try that later. The only way I can upload pictures is with my cell phone and those are not such great pictures. Needeless to say, I am very frustrated with this blogger thing.....
Hope you all had a nice weekend!!