Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Fall Foliage

I took these this morning on my way to work for my committe project but I thought I would share some on my Blog, the leaves are so nice right now and the weather is brisk to say the least in the morning, afternoon it's just absolutely lovely.


Cheryl said...

Very nice!! I haven't been able to open my email yet...still working on some bugs but I'll check them out when I finally get them open.

Biddie said...

Your northern Fall is so beautiful! And so different from the slow, extended muted season down here.

I got a copy of your picture of the stone fence along the road with the big tree behind it - I put it up as my desktop picture on my laptop ....

Kristen said...

I am glad you liked my picture enough to make it your screen saver Biddie, Thanks!

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