Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Tried to catch a shot of the other Woodpecker

I think this is the female because there is no red on the head, it is a bit more skiddish too because I had a hard time getting a picture and this was the best one I could get


Biddie said...

Do the woodpeckers stay up there for the winter?

There are some red-belly and pilated woodpeckers in this area. The pilated ones always startle me because their pecking pattern sounds like someone out in the forest lazily hammering away ....

Kristen said...

I don't know where they go in the winter... I have seen a pileated once or twice, they are HUGE, we had that one here at work, the red bellied one that really is red headed not belly, who names these birds any how??

Herb said...


I think bald snowtires can be SKIDDISH... Woodpeckers are generaly SKITTISH.

Cheryl said...

Dad....generally "generaly" is spelled generally.

Herb said...

Your right daughter dear.... so right... but then you have to admit I did spot those 3 hugh Bright Yellow Handled Hot Water Turn On Valves that even a color blind person would spot in a second or perhaps less. I guess we all have different strengths and weaknesses

Priscilla said...

what's a hugh Bright....Valve?
Who's bright?
How's the wine? Any left?

Cheryl said...


Kristen said...

Wow you all have been having fun here I see, sorry I missed it but I had a chuckle when I came home tonight, looks like the ladies ganged up on you dear Herb!!
Thanks the spelling lesson!!

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