Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tuesday......Bulbs are popping up

My friend Charlie made me these birdhouses last year and told me I had to clean them out so new birdies can move in this year. I was hoping to see some opened eggs but there were not any
Harley supervised my work. He was out Sat night all night and didn't come home Sunday. I was very worried about him because as you can tell , he likes to eat. At about 3 pm I went out searching in the rain for him. I was over at my mom's house and she came out to say hi and wondered what I was doing, so we both called , guess what....... Here Kitty Kitty, so now you know why that is the name of my blog!! My mom and grandma always called for the kitties like that and I do too, egast am I turning into my Mom???? So any how, there was Harley on the stairs to her barn, not budging, something must have scared the dickens out of him, he was soaked and hungry but not hurt, so we walked home and he stayed next to me ALL night.


Madeleine said...

Aw...poor Harely...that picture of him looks so cute! That's also a funny story. ;)
Cool about the bulbs! Congratulations.
The bird nest is cool too...too bad there were no eggs!

Biddie said...

Good Morning! Yahoo - here they come - pretty flowers will soon be there!!

Those bird nests do get nasty looking - good luck cleaning them out.

I had to laugh about your "kitty, kitty, kitty" calls - I do the same thing for my cats - I have walked around for acres, searching all their hiding spots looking for them in the rain ... they may be within a hundred feet of me but won't budge because of some rain or a cruising tomcat .... glad Harley was okay!

Cheryl said...

I was going to say, I can remember my mom calling the cats that way :)

Your lupines look great, they are coming on strong!

I wonder if the coyotes were about, I'm glad Harley is ok.

Jimmy S. saw a bear last week, so they are out and about. I keep forgetting to get some bear spray, just to be on the safe side.

Denise Rosier said...

Spring has finally sprung for you! Yay! How are your seedlings in the barn coming along?

Harley was out all night? I'd be scared, too, with all the wild creatures you have roaming around. I'd hate to be cat meeting a bear. :o)

Kristen said...

Harley is fine, he won't leave me alone now but he still goes outside to do his business , he just comes home real fast.

Yeah all the wild critters are getting spring fever just like us humans. Ray said he can hear them running at night howling. Whatever they are.....

Madeleine said...

How is Harely now?

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