Sunflowers, courtesy of a bird dropping a seed
The guard of all the hummingbird feeders, he is a snippy little thing, he even swerves around my head and peeps to tell me to get away from his territory
Seedum finally turning pink
More Aster
Close up of Aster
Wallah! I get a nice bouquet for inside the house which I will bring to work tomorrow for my desk
That's a pretty bouquet. You have lots of color even late in thew season.
My giant seedum is blooming and flopping all over the place like a lazy bum.
What a totally uninhibited bouquet of flowers - wonderful!!
And I do love your spunky little hummingbird - he has taken over your garden thing for his lookout spot.
Just popping in to say "hi". Corey started school? Madeleine starts 7th grade tomorrow. So exciting! :o)
Your flowers still look beautiful!
My garden has taken a huge hit. The summer had been relatively mild and then suddenly heated up. My plants freaked out. :o(
Hi girls, Thanks, the leaves are starting to fall off the tree's now so I suppose it isn't much longer that we won't have flowers to cut and bring inside. Next..... dreaded snow Blah!!
Corey started school on 9/1/09 Denise, you guys start late, but maybe that is because you don't have snowdays like us or too hot out there to be inside a school? We don't have AC in the schools here either.
What? No A/C in the classrooms? LOL! Our kids would be dying!
I'm SO glad the fall is here. The summer was insane! I think I'll put up a new post tonight! :o)
No AC, even in Highschools, unless they are new HS I have never been to any of those, we don't have too many around here, we used to sweat at the beginning and end of the school year!
Today was the first day of school for kids here in this part of Long Island.
In NJ I remember we always started after Labor Day.
But colleges here started Aug 30th. No logic to it.
Aug 31st, I meant.
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