Monday, January 14, 2013

A flock of seagulls.

Nope not the band... Ok who remembers that? These seagulls were not shy but Teri scared them off for me so I could get a picture or two or three of them taking off. This new camera is so much faster than my old one


Biddie said...

These pictures remind me of all the years I rode the ferry from where I lived across to work on Galveston Island. The seagulls were everywhere ~~ 3 different kinds along with 2 different kinds of pelicans and anhingas (strange birds).
The seagulls would line up on the ferry railing like they are in your last picture ~~ they would ride all the way across to the other ferry landing ..... neat memories.

Kristen said...

That must have been nice to ride a ferry to work, well I guess it could be nice and a pain in the arse, how long were you on it? if you had books to read or work to get done it gives you a chance to sit and get it done.

These birds left poop EVERYWHERE! it was really gross

Priscilla said...

Congratulations on your new camera! I know you'll have lots of fun in the future using it.
All of a sudden your blog is alive with pictures again. Hooray.

Biddie said...

You are right ~~ the ferry was both a pleasant break in the day and a hassle when I was in a hurry. It was 3 miles across the inlet between Galveston Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. It took between 15-18 minutes to cross not counting the time waiting in line. The 4 ferries ran every 15 minutes during the day and about once an hour late at night. On summer weekends, the lines could backup some 2 miles....

There were times when I parked my car on the Bolivar side and walked aboard then walked the 2 miles to work on the other side. I lived about 3 miles from the ferry and sometimes rode my bike to-n-from work.

Kristen said...

I love my new camera and I made a couple of those things called New years resolutions! More blogging- this was made easier by Ipad now allowing me to update my blog from home, the new camera, and the excitement I get from taking a great picture. I've also bought a few good books from Amazon on how to use this camera and my old camera, I have 2, yes I am keeping the old one, always good to have a back up.

Another resolution... be nicer, I am not saying I am mean, I am far from that I think but I get so angry at people sometimes, short temper? no patience? It's not me, it's them?? I don't know but I get a headache and stomach ache's at work sometimes because I let people get to me. I need to learn to just smile and shrug them off.

A third, keep going to the gym, Ray had his hip done in October and my gym didn't see me much, then in early December I got back into the groove, now here we are after Christmas, new years and my birthday, no more excuses, time to get my booty back on that ellyptical machine.

So there we have it, glad you two ladies are still here blogging, I know I've been slacking but I'll try harder to keep it up to date

Priscilla said...

Now we've got that in writing!
(Something I'd never do)

Kristen said...

yes I have it in writing, so if I forget, I can go back and read this again!! This is my third day back at the gym, I am starting to feel better already, the nice part is not as easy as I had hoped! I just don't get why if I am nice, people are mean back. Makes no sense, I guess i'll never figure that one out, some people are just plain grumpy, I would just like to TELL them that and see what they say in return!

Priscilla said...

If you mean customers then it's probably built into the job--everyone resents insurance companies and agents. The people at the IRS have little techniques like "I know how you feel" and "You are right, it is frustrating" and speaking slowly.
I admire you for taking the time to go to the gym.

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