Saturday, February 28, 2009

Barns & old buildings in Simsbury CT

Yesterday at lunch, it was 58 degrees so I took a short drive around to try and get some pictures of old barns and historical buildings in the town that I work in. The top picture of Welden Hardware sign is my favorite. I pass this Every day and I wonder who designed and put it up there. Do you think it's really that old??


Madeleine said...

Wow...that reminds me of a place we have down here called "Heritage Hill."

Biddie said...

I'm amazed at how many large buildings there are! I think the 3 balls are the symbol of a pawn shop (??)

Kristen said...

A pawn shop huh?
What is heritage hill Madeleine?

Priscilla said...

I love these pictures!

Priscilla said...

I think the wrought iron is genuine but the wooden sign a reproduction. Nice look.

Melissa B said...

I just found your blog, and noticed a picture of our back sign here at Welden Hardware. The fixture was purchased by the prior owner from an antique store (the purchase was made in the 1980s but only know the that the fixture is very old) - the sign was created to fit inside and appear old at that time.

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