Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Look what I ran into...

This is where I went driving a week or so ago in Barkhamsted, looking for moose, I found this guy instead today. I sat in my car and he wasn't bothered by me at all. I watched him for about 3 minutes, my camera was taking black pictures so when I got home I was happy to see I could lighten them up a bit, not perfect but at least you can see


Biddie said...

Oh, good grief - I think those bears are getting too comfortable out there in the open. I hope that there aren't any incidents with pets or people .....

Kristen said...

There are no houses near this place but that doesn't mean he won't go find them!

Cheryl said...

That's a big one!! I haven't seen any over here, not that I'm complaining..

Priscilla said...

Uh-oh. Bears rule. You must have to be scrupulous with your garbage cans. Do you put them out 30 seconds before the truck arrives? I'll bet they're especially hungry at this time of year.

Kristen said...

We don't have garbage cans, well we do, they are in the garage, we take to dump on Saturday's. This bear was out in a field in an undeveloped part of town, where those beaver dam pictures I took last week. He was eating grass from what I can tell, that first picture has some grass hanging out of his mouth.

Denise Rosier said...

You guys, and your bears! :o) That's pretty frightening!

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