Thursday, July 22, 2010


I have been really busy at work and when I get home I am just plain tired! I fall asleep in the chair while watching the news which then effects my sleeping later and I wake up at 2 am because someone snores and it isn't me!

So this morning I got some really good pictures of a humming bird at my feeder but no time to get them up here, I will do that later. Well I hope they are good pictures, he was sitting on top of my shepards hook guarding his feeder. I have three feeders all seperated so they don't fight which is what I read you are supposed to do with hummingbirds.

Summer came early this year and our weather has been up and down, mostly up in the heat but this week we got some nice thunderstorms at night and it cooled us off a bit. We have been running the AC in the house since I was on vacation. I go home and put on long sleeves because it's kinda cold for me, just like the office, but I am not complaining, I guess I am just a cold blooded person?!?


Cheryl said...

You just need to eat a roast beef sandwich!! J/k, thought I'd throw that out there like the old days :)

This hot weather saps me too, I've even neglected the garden chores as I can't stand the heat. Never thought I'd say this, but I'm almost looking forward to fall and it's cool crisp air.

Looking forward to seeing your hummer pics.

Biddie said...

I know what you're talking about - work can really tired you out ... the last 10 years before I was able to retire, I was stripped of all energy and it took all my determination to stay productive on the job - it gets harder as you get older.

And that heat messes with you too, for sure! Hang in there - looking for those hummingbird pictures when you get a chance!!

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