Sunday, January 16, 2011

A bird I've never seen before


Cheryl said...

It's a pretty neat sighting! There was a commotion among the birding community when one was spotted in Central Park :)

corey said...

I followed you here from your comment on 10,000 Birds. Did you see this bird in Connecticut? Could you forward me any details of your sighting? I imagine that quite a few birders in CT might be interested in seeing this bird...

Please drop me an email at

Maureen said...

So what kind of bird is this?

Priscilla said...

How big is it compared with other birds we know?

Priscilla said...

Black-backed robin?
Worm-eating warbler?

Priscilla said...

Varied thrush.
You can see pix if you do a Google image search.

Kristen said...

You are right Priscilla. I am getting a bunch of replies from a couple of bird watching blogs I found. They seem excited to see this bird around here. Varied Thrush. It's about the size of a robin I guess, not quite as big as a blue jay

Hi Mo~

Priscilla said...

Careful about giving out your address. You may be swamped with visitors.
Congratulations, Kristin, you have a rarity at your bird feeder!

Cheryl said...

Told you the birders would be excited :)

Kristen said...

I have completed a form for the CT Birding web page. One of the guys is from Roaring brook nature center in Canton and I know him so he will be ok if he wants to come sit outside in my yard and wait for it to come back again!

Kristen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

Congratulations Kristen! I picked up your comment on birdingdude a moment ago.

Based on the comments, it appears that you have already reached out to the birding community in CT to share your terrific yard bird.

Excellent awareness on your part to know it was something different than your regular yard birds. Hope it visits again!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations Kristen! Is this Bird still around? I am a CT birder and would be very interested in this bird.

Mardi Dickinson

Kristen said...

Hi Mardi
I only have seen it the one day. Yesterday I was home due to snow storm and I watched for it all day long but I never saw it. Where are you from? I hope it comes back, I make sure I throw seed on the ground because I know it likes to get seed that way. If I see it again, I'll make sure to let everyone know.

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