Friday, September 21, 2007

Oh Cherly!

I got some of this for you from Emmons for your fish pond, it even comes with some small snails. Do you want it?? She was cleaning out her pond and throwing it away so I took some, if you want, it is on my counter for you to come get, if you don't I will go throw it into Jimmy's pond. See ya later...


Biddie said...

So, what is it? From this angle, it sort of looks like seedless green grapes ....

Kristen said...

They are like miniature lily pads I guess, our friend had them in her fish pond, the reproduce really fast

Cheryl said...

Well, I just happened to stop by...and first of all thank you for thinking of me...second of all don't call me Cherly...and thirdly of all...I don't think at this time of season it would do any good in my pond..I don't think it would overwinter. So you can toss it into Jimmie's pond, and next spring we can laugh if he has an overgrowth of duckweed & snails...ok, I've been wrong before. But I do appreciate you thinking of me :)

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