Thursday, February 4, 2010

More of the least liked feeder visitors

I don't mind them eating the seeds on the ground, I don't like them shoveling food from the feeder into thier cheeks and hoarding it

Blue Jays are pigs in disguise!

For some reason, I love the noise they make, it reminds me of when I was a kid walking to school in the spring. Times were much easier and people seemed nicer to me then, stress seems to make people not so nice these days


Cheryl said...

No kidding re: people are tense these days. Next time you go grocery shopping notice how few people are smiling.

These are rough times.

Kristen said...

I do notice every time I grocery shop and daily at work, I get a lot of attitude from customers, I just want to tell them to be happy!!

Cheryl said...

I guess sometimes it's just not that easy when stress is gnawing on your bones. It brings out the worst in folks, that's for sure.

Doesn't it seem like it's been winter forever?

Priscilla said...

Aw, says Mr. Squirrel, gimme a break--fast!

Biddie said...

Couldn't help but giggle at Priscilla's comment ... life is sure stressful and uncertain right now - everyone is worried about the possible further collapse of our once rather comfortable economy and where it is going to take us. But the little squirrels and bluejays don't realize that their easy source of food might dry up - they just do their 'business' as usual ....

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