Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Thanks Mom!

My Mom came over with a pile of stuff she found while cleaning her attic. I used to draw a lot, especially in Church on Sunday mornings, I remember this dove, I copied it from a church service bulletin

Must be my cousin Susan, she always had wild hair

? What was I thinking? I have no idea!!

A love interest from camp? Oh dear, glad I never mailed this one!! Geez, and in case you are wondering, when we first got there, they made us introduce ourselves and use a word that started with the same letter as your name. Well the ONLY word I could think of is down there at the bottom. Yep again, I am SO glad I never mailed this!!

HA ha Lois my sister!


Biddie said...

How interesting to come across old drawings like that - makes you do "flashbacks", remembering the world and yourself as you were then.

I have old drawings by Michael-Ann and Cheryl stashed away - this serves as a good reminder to get them out and send them on them ....

Kristen said...

I laughed so hard and my friends all did too. We had such a plain old world up here growing up, it's so different now, I have nothing but happy memories of my childhood. The kids now have so much more to deal with. It's funny but our town is exactly the same now, minus our stores, which makes it even more boring for the kids. at least we could ride our bikes to the store and get a soda and candy. I wish we had that still. Most of my time in the summer was spent running around in the woods and riding bikes, playing tag and just good old fun.

I hope Cheryl and Michael-Ann share what you send them too, that will be fun to see.

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