Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hot Summer Day

We hit mid 80's today, of course I was sitting in my office most of it, I took a little walk at lunch to the store.  Came home and wandered around the yard a bit.  My plants are not doing well this year, I have a mess on my hands.  I worked out there Sunday for 3 hours, dug up a bunch of things, gave some away, moved some and re-arranged.  I went back and looked at my pictures from last year and the year before, I thought the gardens looked a lot better than then do now.  So more cleaning up is in order.  Here is my little garden helper, one of many that I love hearing the buzz above my head.  Sometimes I do get a little jolt of "what was that?"  Have a great day everyone!


Biddie said...

What a delightful picture to start my day with!

I'm glad you removed the very small font you had before - I had to strain to read it ...

You have a great day also!!

Kristen said...

Sorry for the font, I am slowly trying to learn this blog thing all over again. Did it get harder? I also kept getting my old blog showing up and then it would change to the new one, I think I got that fixed too.

I'm glad you liked the picture, it's blurry but trying to get a hummer in the shot isn't too easy!

Cheryl said...

My red hot poker hasn't even set buds yet :( Is yours in full sun or part shade?

Kristen said...

its in mostly shade but gets a little sun . where is your's. I think this is the first year I got flowers on it. I didn't even know I had it

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