Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Nothin Much happening here.

Street scene of NY from the porch. The one with village motel is looking to the center of town, they have grocery store, pizza place and the department store across the street that I call the Mall.
The other view is looking down the other way twords my sisters house, if you look close, her's is on the right with the red roof

My mom's pug, Molly, she snorts like a pig

It's raining. cold and I have a headache. This is my bike hanging on the front porch up in NY. I get the feeling people think I am a junk store sometimes. They walk by and ask me what s in there! - My House!


Cheryl said...

I love the bike hanging up...nice touch.

Biddie said...

But how do you get it up there? And back down? That's pretty high up for you to lift it there......

I found the red roof tucked in behind the trees!

Kristen said...

It is hanging on chains and stays there I don't put up and take down, it's so old and rusty and does not work, it's part of my decorating!!

Biddie said...

(( laughing )) oh-oh-oooooooh!! You do have a "thing" for old rusty bikes!! It does make for an interesting possibility for a morning glory trellis ...

Cheryl said...

Kris, Denise put up a link on her latest post (in the comments) where you can go & listen to her sing.

Kristen said...

OK I will check it out, Thanks

Denise Rosier said...
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Denise Rosier said...

RE: I can't believe he played on Curb Appeal..

haha! Yeah, in fact, the session for that music was in NYC.

I laugh because every time we come across that show, we have to be quiet and listen for the song.

It is a busy, country, style of music that plays while people are working on the house.

I think that's the one, anyway ..
I just know I have to be quiet, and reverently listen. :0)

Kristen said...

I'm going to have to pay attention now when I watch or should I say listen

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