Thursday, September 13, 2007


Cheryl said... that's just disturbing...

Lori said...

Oh dear!

Biddie said...

Good Morning ... How's Corey's arm and Harley's back coming along??

Kristen said...

Hi Biddie,
Corey's arm is doing well, he gets more movement every day from it, the pins are gone and he is pretty much allowed to do all the stuff he used to, ride bikes, skateboard, chase girls.

Harley is walking better but bowlegged, he wants to stay indoors all night too, I think he is afraid to go out.

How are all your critters??

Biddie said...

Hi there - The "zoo" seems to be doing fine!! The kittens and GG are in full "storm trooper" mode - they come charging into a room, make a shambles out of it then quickly disappear into the next room and then back again - this is the most active clan of kittens and cats that I have ever seen! I normally have a lot of old glassware displayed around the house - I had to go around and remove it to kitten-proof the shelves ... Surely this hyper-active phase won't last much longer!!

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