Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Went for a walk looking for foliage Sunday

The neighbors dog

My Road, our house is up on the right buried in the trees

Kevin's Hammock, looks like a nice place to take a nap


Biddie said...

You do have such beautiful Fall colors up there! And you live on such a nice looking road ...

Kristen said...

yes I love my road, you can walk up and down and hardly see any cars, you get caught up in a lot of conversations though with neighbors

Priscilla said...

How delightful. Around here nobody talks to anybody.

Cheryl said...

Kris is also related to about half the people that live on her block lol...it is a nice street where folks watch out for each others' kids and it has a real sense of community.
Priscilla, don't feel bad...I mainly talk to critters over here.

Kristen said...

Hey P, I wonder what they would think if you just started talking to every body??
Sometimes when you are in a hurry the talking isn't as nice!

Biddie said...

Unfortunately, in my area, it's best to NOT try to speak to the neighbors. I can occasionally talk, briefly, with the woman across the road from me if no one else is around. Otherwise, the best communication is just a wave from the car's driver as they pass by .... I wouldn't know how to deal with it if everyone was warm and friendly .... At least I get a wave now - I've waved enough over the years that finally the neighbors have started waving back.

I found the same behavior while living out on the Bolivar Peninsula in TX. If I had had family in the area and/or kids in the local school and/or a husband from the local area, I would have been accepted a lot more easily. As it was, it was assumed that I was a school teacher over in Galveston and otherwise not worth the trouble .... good thing that peer group/neighborhood acceptance wasn't the highest priority for me ...

All though, it would be nice to occasionally "gab" with the neighbors. I guess this is one of the reasons I enjoy the blog "e-neighborhood" as much as I do.

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