Saturday, June 27, 2009

Ok the bears got me again, I'm done, sorry birdies

Finch feeder is empty and full of holes

I only had the finch feeder and this cheap one on the pole, I found this over in the neighbors yard
It seems every day in CT they have on the news bears are being caught in the city and brough to the NW or NE corner of the state, That would be our town, a lot of the neighbors have been reported seeing one or sometimes two bears in the area, there is another rumor going around that there is a mom with 2 cubs, so no more bird seed and keep your garbage locked up and garage doors shut


Biddie said...

Phooey - so sorry to read that the bears finally wandered into your yard and wrecked out the feeders. Hope that the pole and the finch feeder are in reasonable enough shape to be returned to service next Winter .....

Priscilla said...

That is really alarming. Do moth flakes have any deterrent effect on bears? It's such a strong smell--I wouldn't like it if I were a bear.

Maureen said...

Man they even got your finch feeder bag? I thought they didn't go after those. I found a website through DEP for reporting bear sightings. The information could be helpful to us as residents of this town, in that the more we report sightings the less the area will be used as a bear dumping place. I'll have to get back to you about the link.

Kristen said...

I have it Maureen and I reported all of the ones I have seen, I don't think most any one in Hartland does that, other towns like Avon and SImsury have hundreds of reports because Everyone reports them, we just think they are as common as a squirrel now a days. I went to a house this weekend that has birdfeeders up high on a clothesline, I think I will try that out, I hate to not feed the birds because it's fun to see who comes to visit

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