Friday, August 14, 2009

Happy Friday

I'm growing more sunflowers next year. I didn't realize how fun it is to watch them grow and how big they get.

Some sort of seed that sprouted, it's prickly

this birdhouse is full of pincher bugs and woody wood pecker found out about them, he's been there pokin at it all morning knocking them lose and then having breakfast


Priscilla said...

That yellow, thistly thing is probably Yellow Thistle (Cirsium horridulum)

Kristen said...
Yellow Thistle
Cirsium horridulum
Yellow thistle is endangered in Connecticut. Typically, the flowers are dull yellow, though flower color varies. The upright, spiny leaves that surround the flowerhead make a good identifier.

• Family: Aster (Asteraceae)
• Habitat: near the coast in sandy fields or at the edge of salt marshes
• Height: 1-3 feet
• Flower size: flowerheads 3 inches across
• Flower color: dull yellow, or, rarely, purple or white
• Flowering time: June to July
• Origin: native

Kristen said...

Hmmm weird thing I found on yellow thistle from CT Botanical society

Biddie said...

I had to smile when I read that your 'Cirsium horridulum' is endangered there in CT - I guess I'd have to admit that I wouldn't be too concerned about it. I hope it isn't illegal to pull it out and put it on the burn pile ..... The name is scary enough - the plant looks ferocious!

Three cheers for woody woodpecker helping to clean out your birdhouse!!

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