Friday, April 13, 2007

One litte crocus


Cheryl said...

At least you have something blooming..that looks like a grape hyacinth...ok, you win, your's are bigger than mine:) I have nothing blooming in my garden.

Kristen said...

Naw I don't think so, it's a peanut flower, they tried to come out in the fall and then scrivvled up again so now they are trying one more time. Again I have no idea if I spelled that right, shrinkage, maybe that is a better word. Goerge costanza would know what I mean

Cheryl said...

I like the term "scrivvled" pretty much describes the far as George Constanza...yeah, plenty of cold water up here these days. Severe Shrinkage!!

Kristen said...

oops I spelled George wrong, duh

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