Sunday, June 3, 2007

New mushroom in fishtank

I had my water tested too, I am so far doing just fine. So I graduated to get a new item today.


Cheryl said...

Oh that coral, or is it an anemone? is just awesome! Can it sting you? Do you have to feed it? If so, what do you feed it?

Kristen said...

I don't think it can sting me, they took it out, put in bag and told me to gently place on the coral, I have no idea what it is, now it is all open and flowing, Wasn't given any instructions or food so I guess it just lives in there on it's own? We are going over to thier house later to help move the couch so I'll ask. YOu should see it now, much bigger

Kristen said...

Steve told me it is called Leather Coral.

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