Saturday, March 15, 2008


Have you ever seen this many finches in one place???? My gosh, we had tons of them today


Maureen said...

All those little guys on the ground are a sparrow of some sort. It is the same as the one that I followed the nesting process on my blog last summer. I think it is a chipping sparrow or marsh sparrow but not absolutely certain.
Do you know whether or not the bird at the feeder with the red right above his beak is a house finch in breeding plumage? I think I need to splurge and get the Sibley's bird book.
Saw Corey today at Cumbys, but didn't see your car, we were on our way to get Tater.

Kristen said...

Oh I thought they were finches because they went to the Thistle seed feeder but then I thought it was weird they were on the ground eating seeds. I have a bird book, I'll see what I can find too. Was Corey with me or his Dad? I brought him to Cumby's last weekend but not this one. Did he know who you were? I hope he was polite and held the door for you ladies.

Biddie said...

Now that is a thundering herd of little birdies, for sure.

Are they back for the coming Spring -or- do they migrate on thru to further north?

Either way, they are sure glad they found your feeding station.

Priscilla said...

I believe they are Common Redpolls, and are in the finch family. You certainly have a lot of them!

Kristen said...

Priscilla, I think you are right indeed!!!

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