Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Look what came to the house today!!!!


Cheryl said...

You've got the way to move me Baby!!!
That's a nice antidote to a really bad day :)
Do you like the new CD?

Kristen said...

oh gosh yes, I had a week from He double hockey sticks
I don't like the new cd, it doesn't sound much like the old Neil at all, kind of like johnny cash

Cheryl said...

Maureen told me you dropped off a copy of the CD with her for me, that was really nice of you, thanks :) I haven't heard any of his new stuff yet. I appreciate you thinking of me.

It must be the full moon~this has been a crazy week so far.

Biddie said...

Well - good morning - looks like you all are on your way to the big ND bash!

Maureen said...

WAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOO!!!!!! the CD isn't bad, but not exciting, if that makes any sense. Thank you so much for getting me one though. Have a great weekend and see you at the parade.

Kristen said...

I don't think I will be at parade tomorrow, 1st time I am going to miss it, we are riding to RI on the new Harley, sorry have a good time and say a special prayer for all the veterans and my dad for me while you are there.

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