Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Jethro layin in the sun this morning


Denise Rosier said...

Today is the last day of school out here, too! (I wish I had summer vacation!)

Oh well, it still feels like a special day, anyway. It's like summer officially begins when school lets out.

I missed your NYC post .. stop torturing me! You're always in New York! :o)

Kristen said...

That was Hartford CT Denise!!!
I wish I went to NYC again, and why don't you just come out here and we can all meet in the city sometime???? How fun would that be!!

Cheryl said...

That first picture of Jethro threw me for a loop...he looks like he's trying to swallow his own head :)

Kristen said...

He was yawning

Denise Rosier said...

Believe me, if I could get out there, I'd do it in a heartbeat! We could meet up in the city and have a great time! Maybe soon .. I've been meaning to get out there, on business, to touch base with some people in Queens.

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