Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Weekend is almost here...

I drove through the Beaver ponds again, looking for my friend the bear, he wasn't out last night. I saw a lot of birds and heard some sounds I hadn't heard before. One day I think I am going to sit there for a while and see what comes about

The grasses are filling in

This is Legeyt farm in Barkhamsted, they have a lot of race horses and some old retired ones.


Biddie said...

Good Morning! I use to feel the same way come about Wednesday night or Thursday morning - the weekend is almost here and I'm hanging on by the skin of my teeth!

I like that name Barkhamsted - it sounds like something you'd find in England.

The silo sort of looks like one of NASA's shuttle rockets with a side booster rocket, waiting on the launch pad ....

Kristen said...

Hi Biddie
Yes I can't wait for the weekends still, it's not as much fun as when I was younger planning my Friday night out because now I like them for different reasons, relaxing and being outside.

I never thought of Barkhamsted like that but now that you said it that way, I agree!

Priscilla said...

Mmm, nice country.

Madeleine said...

Finally the weekend is almost here!!

That's so cool about how they have retired race horses and race horses. Do they let anyone ride them?

The marsh (or swamp) is relly pretty... I've always wanted to see one of those in real life. The thing is, we don't have any over here!!

I agree with Biddie, the name Barkhamsted is cool. It does seem like something you'd find in England.

Do you know what lives in that nest? If anything still lives in/up there?

Wow...long comment..

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