Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hump Day....

White Bleeding Heart

The smaller Alliums have opened up

Waiting for the Globe Masters to open

The yellow flowers are from Lori's house


Lori said...

I'm so jealous! You have pretty flowers in your gardens and I have just dirt! People came and stole all my plants!

Garden reconstruction starts on Tuesday.....yea!

Biddie said...

(( chuckle )) flowers bloom on their own sense of time - they don't care about if it is pre-hump day, hump day or post-hump day like we mere humans do!

I love the way your closeups blur the background, making for a nice backdrop for the flower that you are taking a picture of.

And I LOVE those dainty white bleeding hearts! Your garden has really started coming to life.

And curiously enough, it looks like you have put up an interesting pattern of line-spaces between your collection of pictures. No spaces between the first and second pictures. Then 1 space between the 2nd and 3rd pictures. Then 2 line-spaces, 3 line-spaces and so forth - all the way down to 10 line-spaces between the 11th and 12th pictures - interesting bit of whimsy ....

Kristen said...

Hi Lori, I am very thankful to you for giving me those flowers! I can't wait to see your new gardens!!
I didn't mean to do that spacing, I uploaded the pics in a hurry because I had to get to work and was going to fix it when I got here! I did! for some reason I have to go back and delete the spaces before I post any one know why?
Oh and Thanks!

Biddie said...

No, I don't know what causes that spacing - haven't seen it before.

It is such a strong pattern that it seems like however you upload your pictures is accidentally accumulating your keystrokes and entering the new total after each picture. Does this always happen when you upload your pictures?

Kristen said...

It does always make a space when I upload in the picture form but not in the HTTP (?) form, but I like to see the pictures so I don't put the same one twice

Denise Rosier said...

Beautiful pictures! I really like the white bleeding heart. I've never seen one in white. My bleeding heart hasn't bloomed yet. I don't think it's going to this year.

Priscilla said...

Gorgeous pix. I especially like the pink and yellow columbine.

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