Sunday, July 22, 2007

Another nice and sunny day

I was waiting around for the phone call from my boy to tell me what time to come watch him ride motorcross today, the phone rang at 10 which is usually the time he would call to tell me to go to the track, instead of it being Corey, it was his dad asking me for his insurance information because he fell during practice and he was getting into the ambulance. Well after I got a bit more info and where they were taking him, I hopped in my car and drove to Springfield, MA to Baystate Hospital, not knowing where I was going I assumed there would be those helpful blue H signs like Hartford has, well there were a few of those H signs but there are also a few hospitals so I drove all over Springfield for about 45 minutes before I found it, quite frankly I was a bit scared because I was not in a very good sections at times and I think I was the only white girl there, I thought I may get killed really and I am not exagerating.

So once I got there, I was brought into the childrens ER and found he had exrays and he broke his humerous and it was not funny! The bone connecing his arm to his shoulder is totally seperated. He also hit his face some how so he is going to have one heck of a shiner. They put a cast on him and I brought him home. He has to sit in his bed now and only use one hand for the phone, clicker and eating, etc.

All the nurses were very nice and that hospital is small but friendly and we were out of there by 1pm so it was only 4 hours, last time he broke his arm we went to Hartford and didn't get out of there until midnight, so I was thankful for the promptness today.


Biddie said...

Oh, Kristen - how awful! The ride to the hospital thru the city was sure unnerving!
It sounds like Corey knows what to expect as he heals from this fracture. Was it broken in the same place as last time?

And what about his motor cycle - was it wrecked?

I'm glad that you both are safely home and can relax .....

Cheryl said...

I'll bring Boo over to cheer him up, let me know the next time he's there.

Kristen said...

He broke the other arm this time, not the same one, he is OK, he's a bit groggy from medicine and just told me he thought it was Monday and why hadn't I gotten ready for work yet. I have not seen the motorcycle so I don't know what happened to it. Cheryl I think he will be here a couple times this week, both gramma's offered to take care of him during the day, I'll let you know, he would love to see boo, hey boo boo doggie!!

Maureen said...

Poor Corey, Poor Kris. I haven't had any major emergencies happen when Caroline wasn't in my care. I don't think I could have driven, especially to an area I didn't know. Whey what a day for you. Hope tomorrow is better.

Kristen said...

Yes you could have driven, you just do what you have to do and don't think about anything else. I don't have much of an excitement factor in me so I guess that helps too but driving in Springfield I don't recommend

Cheryl said...

Kris, you should have called me, I would have got Dad or Lori on the phone, they could have helped get you there!

Kristen said...

Oh thats right,I did remember you told me that your Dad & Lori lived around there once but I was in a zone and driving in not too nice areas so I thought I better stay off the phone until I got to a better place, I did pass a few police, duh I should have flagged them down to help! I'm just glad I never have to go back to that place again!!

Lori said...

Hi Kris,

We could have helped you out with the directions to Baystate.

Should you ever need to go there again, get on 91 North to exit 10, go straight through the lights to the next stop sign and Baystate Medical is right across the street. To get to the ER, take a left at that stop sign, go up the hill a bit and the ER entrance is on the right.

Sorry you had to endure driving through Springfield by yourself. Unfortunately both hospitals are not in the best of areas. Rest assured, Baystate is the leading hospital in the greater Springfield area.

The last time I was at the ER is with Cheryl. Herb was rushed from Granville to Mercy Hospital. This was at night. There was a PR handcuffed to a wheelchair, an altercation in the parking lot resulting in someone else being handcuffed to a pole and then some crack pot waltzing in saying he was Orpah Winfrey....he was white and blonde haired! Go figure.

Anyways I hope your little guy get to feeling better real quick.

Kristen said...

Thanks Lori, next time I will use my cell and find one of you to help! I don't want to go back there, it was really creepy to me, there was a kid about 8 riding around on his bike with a baseball bat and I don't think he was going to play in the park! Sounds like you had a fun time there as well! The staff was great and quick so it all worked out pretty good, I just don't like being lost.

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