Sunday, June 8, 2008

I gave my new neighbors a housewarming gift

I cut up some sisal and spread it around the yard, it was fun to watch them pick it up and put in the birdhouse


Biddie said...

What a great thing to do and then to be able watch the birds get the strands!! Fine!!

Kristen said...

Somewhere along my life I heard about putting out stuff for birds to use in nests so that was the best I could come up with, they used to take our horse hair when I was a kid I remember finding old nests on the ground and I recognized the hair from our horses!

Danette Haworth said...

Followed you here from Madeleine's blog and I had to say I LOVE the orange kitty! I had one of my own that grew up with me, an energetic and friendly cat. He was best friends with my dog.

Kristen said...

Hi Danette,
I love my kitties!!! Glad you stopped by, we met Madeline an Denise by Cheryl and chance and we have become good friends!!!

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