Wednesday, July 15, 2009

~Happy Tuesday~

This flower always looks like a weed to me and then I remember it isn't, I have 2 of them, except the other fell over and got run over by the lawn mower

I got closer and this bumble bee was diving in and out like he was in a puffball

This is the butterfly bush I got from my friend Charlie, it's growing so much taller every year, I can't wait to see it with flowers on it

This flower, I forget the name, is something everyone should have, it gets huge and the flowers last a long time, I have three or four of them in my various gardens.

This was opened up when I got home from work yesterday. It wasn't when I left for work. It smells so nice too. I got it in the pack of bulbs for $20 at Costco in the spring. There were about six and most of them were broken off somehow so this was one of the survivors


Priscilla said...

Yellow flower: coreopsis?

Kristen said...

Yes P I think that is the name of it, Thanks!

Cheryl said...

Oh very lovely!! Sorry I cut off our conversation, but Boo was getting all excited that Dave came home so I had to wrangle him still.

After the last couple of days I'm not risking any more injury to his knee. It's been rough :(

Thanks for thinking of me re: the beetle trap. I haven't been able to get out much because of BooBooKitty.

Kristen said...

It's ok, I wasn't in a place I could really have a long conversation any how, I saw those beetle traps and remembered you had mentioned the Jap's at your house. I'll leave on the table on the deck for ya. Have a good day, hope boo boo Dawg is better soon

Cheryl said...

I really like those burgundy wine colored lilies, very pretty!

Cheryl said...

Dammit...I just got back from the post office & remembered I forgot to stop & pick up the beetle trap.
Sheesh my mind is going! Can I pick it up tomorrow?

Kristen said...

No problemo, It't not going any where!:)

Priscilla said...

The pink one: is that what's called Foamflower (Saxigrage)?

Biddie said...

Those burgundy lilies are beautiful - the reddish-purple color is one of my favorites.

The idea of the bumble bee diving in-n-out of the pink flower is a fun image - look for any backwards flips ...

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