Thursday, May 20, 2010

Whats blooming Thursday

I'm a day late for Blooming Wednesday because it was raining most of this week, today I didn't have much time before I left for work and I used my cheap Nikon Coolpix camera so the quality is not so great.
I am off to the Vineyard tomorrow. Martha's Vineyard that is. We leave after work and will be back Sunday night. My Boss' wife invited us to their house for the weekend and the weather is supposed to be fabulous.


Biddie said...

You are definitely amazing - taking pictures, off-loading them, setting up a new post and still getting to work on time - Ms. Speedy Gonzales!!

The boss's invite sounds like fun - hope you have a good time!!!

Kristen said...

Well Thanks Biddie, I did take the camera to work and unloaded the pictures here rather than home , otherwise I would have been late for sure. Since it's nice out, I can leave for work earlier because Corey can walk or ride his bike to school now, I used to drive him because he disliked the bus so much.

I will be able to bring my nice camera to MV and hope to get some good pictures there. Ray and I went about 10 years ago and stayed at the house, we took the motorcycle and it rained the entire time, nice memory!! This weekend is supposed to be nice, I Hope!!

Priscilla said...

Have a nice time!
Say hello to Edgartown for me.

Kristen said...

I'm staying in Edgartown P!!!
Any special place you need me to snap a picture of for ya?

Priscilla said...

Oh, let's see. I can't remember any street names. I stayed in the Blood Cottage in 1964(sounds awful but the people's name was Blood). Might have been on Water Street.

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