Saturday, April 19, 2008

Somebody delivered me a special surprise!

Here he comes!!!! I could hear him coming down the road, so I ran out to greet him

Kevin, my brother in Law, what a nice guy to make a delivery of new dirt for my gardens!
He was worried the dump was going to hit the power lines

I have a lot of moving to do but will keep me busy for a while!


Cheryl said...

I'm getting 10 yards of cedar mulch delivered on I'll be joining you in the spreading fun.

Kristen said...

Oh you are so lucky!!!! That will be my next delivery!,,, what color did you get?

Biddie said...

Good Grief!! you gals get serious about this "gardening" thing!! My puny efforts are put to shame in comparison - actually, if the truth be told, there is no comparison!

Cheryl said...

Natural!!! I don't like the colored stuff~what we put into the ground we get back, and no way are dyes good for growing things. Oh, sorry, sounded a little bit militant there~to each there own :)
Mom, you have all sorts of lovely growing things down there~you have Angel Trumpets!! And Fig Trees!! Makes my toes curl in envy!!

Kristen said...

Ok I don't like the red colored stuff either I meant brown, black, etc etc. sorry, I am a tree hugger just like you are!!

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