Mr & Mrs Cardinal on our deck
I got so excited when I saw this bird, I have never had one at my feeder, I looked it up. its a male, rose breasted grossbeak, sorry for the blur I got so excited it was the best I could do
I also had a red winged blackbird twice that I saw today but didn't have the camera in hand, oh and today driving home, I saw a little hawk sitting on a road sign, I tried to get his picture too but he flew off
Just as Dave & I were driving up to the house..guess what we saw....a really big black bear. He bolted across the street in front of us & took off in the woods beside the house. I wonder if it's that same one I took pictures of last summer.
Stupid bears!!
That cardinal picture is great, both Ma & Pa Cardinal out for Sunday brunch...
ray saw a bear in granby center yesterday! eating out of a birdfeeder and he said it was waiting to cross the road!!!
Was your bear on the west side?
You are getting to be quite a bird watcher! Congratulations on the rose breasted grossbeak - I've not ever spotted one.
The picture of the cardinals is nice. They are plentiful in this area too - love their flash of red.
Yep, right by our house...I'll be looking for him today while I'm in the garden.
Oh, that takes the pleasure out relaxing in your yard - you need to build that stockade fence around your property.
Please be careful!!
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