Friday, May 15, 2009

Black Squirrel? In Hartland?

Yep I finally got one on film... I have seen them and never got a good clear picture before and this one happens to be up in the center green that Cheryl and Maureen and Caroline have been working on. He thanks you for the food whoever put it there!!


Cheryl said...

Ha! That's awesome!

I put the food there, with a little bit of worry about bears but I figured the Town Green should be safe? When you called and told me a black visitor I was sure that a bear had shown up anyways :)

I hope he's careful about the cars. Ok, I am tuckered out from all this yard work so I'm going to go crash. Good pics!

Cheryl said...

Do you want to ride the bucket again on Sunday? I want to head out earlier this time, maybe around 10:00 a.m. or so. The only problem is the weather report is sounding a little iffy... we'll have to play it by ear.

Kristen said...

yes I can ride the bucket again!

Biddie said...

wow - a black squirrel! I looked it up in my mammal ID book - it said that the black phase grey squirrel is common in the northern part of its range!

The book also mentioned that there are albino squirrel colonies in Olney IL, Trenton NJ and Greenwood SC. I'd sure like to see the albinos.

Cheryl - this is the first glimpse of your work on the green - more, more!!

Madeleine said...

That is so cool!
I have never seen one; I don't think I've even heard of one. That's neat!

Cheryl said...

I ran into Kris today at the green taking pictures, so she'll probably post some up later.

Maureen and I still have a ways to go on the Green but we sure have made a good start at it :) It had really been let go.

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