Wednesday, April 9, 2008

New fish

Blue discus


Cheryl said...

I've thought about getting a Discus but my big Severum can be he's addlepated now, I have to handfeed him as he's forgotten how to eat free floating food. I think he's getting senile. Anyway, what a pretty fish.

Kristen said...

Yes and expensive! $50 each, holy cow, I hope I don't kill them. So far they seem happy enough
Do you only have one fish in your tank?

Cheryl said...

No, but the Discus can get quite big, so would be more likely to bump noses with the Severum. I have 2 iridescent sharks, 2 clown loaches, 2 parrot cichlids, 1 red tailed shark, 1 leopard catfish, and 2 little bottom cats. The leopard catfish is over 5 years old!

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