Sunday, May 6, 2007

Old Pictures

This is all I could find, the ex took most of the things I owned when we split up and probably threw most of my stuff in the dump, I managed to find a few things I had hidden in various places!


Cheryl said...

You look very pretty!! I like you as a blonde, very flattering. At least your hair could fit in the same room as you, mine was silly huge!!

Kristen said...

Gee thanks, isn't it funny what we used to look like and how young we were? I still feel like I am young except for today, Corey and I walked down to Mo's house, she wasn't home and then I walked back, my butt hurts.

Maureen said...

I like your hair. If my car was here I was home, but took a nap while Brett took Caroline for a walk to the ponds in back. I haven't been feeling all that good today. Pray I don't get the "affliction".

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