Saturday, May 26, 2007

Fish tank coming along....

We got some crabs, snails

and coral today, fish to come.... oH and a shrimp


Biddie said...

Oh, my!! When you said about the crabs and snails coming at 6PM in an earlier post, I thought you were talking about a seafood dinner for yourself and Ray .....
Talk about me being out in la-la land! Now I remember you talking about your salt water fish tank ....

Cheryl said...

Hee hee..Krissy is starting her own sushi bar over there...I want to come over & check the tank out, how big is the shrimp?

Kristen said...

Oh I guess he is an inch, the shrimp, I have a red crab too, he is true to his name and hides because he must be crabby, this morning I turned on the light and there is this little ameba (sp) floating arount on top, a baby something that came out overnight. I am most amazed at the things that keep appearing and I don't even have everything yet. The rocks came with some feather dusters that puff out some ghostly looking smoke!!

Cheryl said...

I want a tank like that!!! How often are supposed to change the water?

Biddie said...

That ghostly smoke is baby corals being shot out into the world - I know that from scuba diving

Kristen said...

I am supposed to clean it once a month and you only have to change 1/3rd of the water not any more, clean filter and vacuum the rock, same as the other tanks but you have to add salt. So far I think we have spent $500, there is no way I can get any bigger for lack of room in my house and knowledge of these critters, it is like being in science class I can tell you that, but at my age it is finally fun

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