Thursday, May 3, 2007

Silly Cat


Cheryl said...

That's just wrong...

Biddie said...

That poor pissed-off pussy-cat --- that looks like a "poodle" cut.

I have a very slow internet connection and this picture came into view, one row of pixels at a time. I thought that you had a very mean stray cat show up on your doorstep.

Then I saw the rest of the picture - that cat is going to have problems keeping its body temp up and staying warm .... I'm sure someone didn't realize that when they asked for the cat to be shaved.

Kristen said...

I know poor thing. I just thought he was funny looking, that is what Harley would look like if I shaved him like that! I would never...
they call that the Lion cut

Maureen said...

I wouldn't even do that to a poodle. That poor kitty.

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